List of Hunger Games characters

This is a list of characters in the Hunger Games trilogy, a series of young adult science fiction novels by Suzanne Collins.


Main characters

Katniss Everdeen

Katniss Everdeen
The Hunger Games trilogy character
First appearance The Hunger Games
Last appearance Mockingjay
Created by Suzanne Collins
Portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence
Nickname(s) "Catnip" (Gale)
"The Mockingjay" (the rebels)
"The Girl On Fire" (Cinna and Thresh)
"Sweetheart" (Haymitch and Peeta)
Gender Female
Family Mrs. Everdeen (mother)
Mr. Everdeen (deceased father)
Primrose Everdeen (deceased sister)
Unnamed daughter
Unnamed son
Significant other(s) Peeta Mellark (Husband)

Katniss Everdeen is the 16-year-old protagonist and narrator of the story. Katniss is normally quiet in school and doesn't bother with gossip and social matters. She lives with her mother and younger sister Primrose in the poorest district of Panem, District 12, which is in charge of mining coal for the capitol. Her looks are typical for those from the Seam (the slums of District 12): long black hair, which she wears in a braid; olive skin; and gray eyes. Five years before Katniss becomes a tribute in The Hunger Games,[1] her father was killed in a mining explosion and her mother fell into a depression. In order to provide for her sister, Katniss began to hunt in the woods just as her father had taught her. In the process, she becomes friends with Gale Hawthorne.

When it comes time to draw the tributes for the 74th annual Hunger Games, Katniss' sister Prim's name is drawn, but Katniss volunteers to take her sister's place, along with the male tribute from District 12, Peeta Mellark. When she is introduced with the other tributes, her dress is, "set on fire," by her dresser Cinna. This gives her the nickname, "The Girl On Fire," which is used recurrently during the trilogy. During the Games, Peeta expresses his love for her on live television, which Katniss assumes is a ploy to gain attention from rich sponsors, later as they grow closer to each other it's genuine. Halfway through the Games, a new rule is instituted so that both tributes from a District can become winners. However, when only Peeta and Katniss are left, the rule is reversed, in an attempt to force one of them to kill the other, ensuring a more dramatic ending. At that moment, Katniss decides that both of them should eat poisonous berries called nightlock and die, ensuring the Hunger Games have no winner. As a result, the Games are ended and both Katniss and Peeta are declared winners, which humiliates the Capitol. This choice makes Katniss a symbol of rebellion for the Districts.

Collins has said that Katniss "is a futuristic Theseus." When Katniss returns to District 12, she gives her lovely house at Victors Village to her mother and Prim, and she lived in her family's old home, or as Katniss describes it, "a run down shack."[2]

Near the end of the trilogy, Katniss helps to end the war, but her sister is killed in an explosion, believed to be set off by the Capitol, right before the end of the war. After a talk with President Snow, she realizes that it was Coin, the new president of Panem, that set off the bombs. When Katniss is supposed to be executing Snow, she kills Coin instead, to avenge Prim's death.

After being exonerated for Coin's death, Katniss later marries Peeta and they have two children.

Oscar-nominated actress Jennifer Lawrence will portray Katniss Everdeen in the upcoming 2012 movie.

Peeta Mellark

Peeta Mellark
The Hunger Games trilogy character
First appearance The Hunger Games
Last appearance Mockingjay
Created by Suzanne Collins
Portrayed by Josh Hutcherson
Gender Male
Occupation Baker
Family Mrs. Mellark (mother)
Mr. Mellark (father)
Two unnamed older brothers
Unnamed daughter
Unnamed son
Significant other(s) Katniss Everdeen (Wife)

Peeta Mellark is the male tribute from District 12. He is described as being "medium height with a stocky build,"[3] having "ashy blond hair that falls in waves over his forehead" and blue eyes. He is the town baker's son and is talented in baking breads and icing cakes, which proves to be an unexpected asset to him in the arena when he can camouflage himself effortlessly. His mother is a nasty woman, described as a “witch” by Katniss. She tells him that she has more faith in Katniss than in him. He has two brothers, neither of who care for him as much as Katniss cares for her little sister, Prim. His father, Mr. Mellark, is the town baker.

He is described by Katniss as a decent wrestler in the Training Center. Upon arriving in the Capitol, it is discovered that Peeta has an instinctive ability to perform on camera and manipulate public sentiment. He is a brilliant liar and covers for himself and Katniss on multiple occasions. He has harbored a secret love for Katniss since they were five, at the beginning of their school year when he heard her sing. He is rarely moody or upset, and generally takes things lightly. Peeta saved Katniss's life when she was eleven years old by giving her bread when her family was starving, which resulted in the nickname Katniss uses often to describe him, "the boy with the bread." The two never talked until the Games.

During The Hunger Games, Peeta declares his love for Katniss during the interviews. In the arena, she first tries to kill him then heals him after an injury. When they both win the Games, he is devastated to find out that Katniss may have been playacting being in love for the cameras.

Catching Fire opens with Peeta “icy” and “unreachable”. When Snow announces the Quarter Quell he makes a deal with Haymitch to keep Katniss alive. At the end of Catching Fire, Peeta is captured by the Capitol. Katniss finds herself willing to kill him to save him from the tortures there. In Mockingjay he is tortured in an attempt to "break" Katniss because of her love for him. Although he and others are eventually rescued, the Capitol had tampered with his memories by using tracker jacker venom - a process called "hijacking" which leaves him frightened and unstable. He attempts to kill Katniss because the results of the Capitol's hijacking have left him confused about their relationship. He believes she is a mutt, and he remembers twisted versions of their time in the games. With help from District 13 doctors and friends, he slowly begins to regain parts of his real memories, although the process is overwhelming and tedious for him. President Coin sends him on the final mission into the Capitol with the squad of soldiers that includes Katniss, Gale, and Finnick, where he struggles with his memories and trauma. Realizing the danger in which he puts the group and the difficulty he causes them, he asks to be killed when it seems that he will lose control and try to kill Katniss. Katniss fiercely refuses and kisses him, which seems to make him stable. Peeta later votes not to have a Hunger Games featuring Capitol children. When the war ends, Peeta survives and eventually returns to District 12 with Katniss. Later he and Katniss marry, and have two children, who are able to live in a world without the Hunger Games.

Peeta’s actual age or birthday are never given, but it’s assumed that he’s the same age as Katniss because he was in her grade when he first heard her sing. His favorite color is orange, not “like Effie’s hair” but “soft, like the sunset”.

He is going to be played by actor Josh Hutcherson in the March 2012 movie.

Haymitch Abernathy

Haymitch Abernathy
The Hunger Games trilogy character
First appearance The Hunger Games
Last appearance Mockingjay
Created by Suzanne Collins
Portrayed by Woody Harrelson
Gender Male
Family Unnamed mother (killed on President Snow's orders)
Unnamed younger brother (killed on President Snow's orders)
Significant other(s) Unnamed girlfriend (killed on President Snow's orders)

Haymitch Abernathy is a "paunchy, middle-aged man" who was the victor of the 50th Hunger Games. 24 years before the series begins, he became the victor for District 12, at the 50th Hunger Games.[4] When he was 16, Haymitch was reaped for the second Quarter Quell, where four tributes from each district were forced into the arena. He became an ally to a girl named Maysilee Donner, but later was forced to watch her die. During the games he had also found his way past a wall of shrubbery and to the edge of the arena, where a force field that flung whatever was tossed at it back blocked the participants from exit. When the games came down to him and another tribute, the girl threw her weapon at him, leaving the two of them without weapons. However, the force field sent the weapon back at her, killing her, leaving Haymitch the victor. Within two weeks of his victory, Haymitch's mother, younger brother, and girlfriend were killed by President Snow as punishment for Haymitch using the force field to his advantage. He was not used as a prostitute by President Snow since he had no one that Snow could hold over him.

After winning his games, he became an alcoholic and had spent almost all of his intervening life intoxicated to the point of embarrassment. Being the only surviving Hunger Games champion from District 12 (one of only two in the history of the games), Haymitch was forced to mentor all of its tributes. Therefore, he acted as a mentor for Peeta and Katniss before they entered the Games. He is often sarcastic and anything but sober, which Katniss finds highly irritating. However, when pushed, he emerges as the pair's greatest advocate and shows himself to be highly canny as he guides his protégés in a cleverly designed, highly unorthodox strategy aimed at ensuring the survival of both tributes.

Although she disliked him greatly at first due to his drinking and his harshness, Katniss later realizes that he is tired of seeing children placed under his care for the Games only to die, and also that he cares a lot about Peeta and Katniss. After being in the arena, she realizes that drinking was his form of escape from the nightmares caused by his experiences as a tribute. During the book Catching Fire it is said that the liquor supply in District 12 had run out and Haymitch had gone insane, causing him to shake violently and have visions that only he could see. It was left up to Katniss and Peeta to coax him back to health (and get him more liquor). After this Katniss begins to develop a true affection and respect for him. Katniss also realizes that she and Haymitch both think alike, since they were able to communicate through the gifts that he sends her in the arena.

He will be played by Woody Harrelson in the upcoming 2012 movie.

Gale Hawthorne

Gale Hawthorne
The Hunger Games trilogy character
First appearance The Hunger Games
Last appearance Mockingjay
Created by Suzanne Collins
Portrayed by Liam Hemsworth
Gender Male
Family Hazelle Hawthorne (mother)
Unnamed father(deceased)
Rory Hawthorne (brother)
Vick Hawthorne (brother)
Posy Hawthorne (sister)

Gale is an 18-year-old who is Katniss's best friend and hunting partner. Like Katniss, he has black hair, olive skin, and gray eyes. His father died in the same explosion that killed Katniss's father. While hunting, the pair combined their respective talents, his at trapping and hers at archery, to become a highly effective team. Their success makes them fixtures at District 12's black market, the Hob, where they trade their illegal game for other valuable items. Gale has three siblings: Rory, Vick and Posy. Gale does not accept the authority of the Capitol and even suggests half-seriously that the two flee to escape selection for the Hunger Games. Gale is in love with and fiercely devoted to Katniss, although she doesn't know it at the time. He kisses her after a hunt one day, in the second book, and the two are never really the same again. During the tightened security in Catching Fire, Gale is caught with a turkey he shot in the woods. Though he claims he found it in the district, he is whipped severely, but Katniss's mother eventually helps him heal. He returns at the end of Catching Fire to tell Katniss that District 12 was destroyed, but that he managed to evacuate about 10% of the population.[5] Gale lives in District 13 in Mockingjay and spends most of his time working with Beetee to create bombs that prey on human instinct, one of which is used on Capitol children, killing Prim in the process. He is also in Katniss's "Star Squad" on their mission to assassinate Snow. At the end of Mockingjay, he has found a job in District 2 and is speculated to be married and settled, a fact for which Katniss says she is somewhat relieved, because she will never know if he helped create the bombs that killed her sister.

Gale will be portrayed by Liam Hemsworth in the upcoming 2012 release of the Hunger Games.

Primrose Everdeen

Primrose Everdeen (deceased)
The Hunger Games trilogy character
First appearance The Hunger Games
Last appearance Mockingjay (casualty by rebels)
Created by Suzanne Collins
Portrayed by Willow Shields
Nickname(s) "Prim" (everyone)
"Little Duck" (Katniss occasionally)
Gender Female
Family Mrs. Everdeen (mother)
Mr. Everdeen (deceased father)
Katniss Everdeen (sister)
Unnamed niece
Unnamed nephew

Primrose Everdeen, nicknamed "Prim", is Katniss's younger sister. She was 12 years old in The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, and 13 in Mockingjay. Like her mother, she has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Her name is chosen at the reaping for the 74th Hunger Games, and it is in order to save her that Katniss volunteers in her place. Primrose also elicits a promise from Katniss that she will do all that she can to win the Hunger Games, which provides impetus to Katniss's actions.

In the Hunger Games, Prim is thoughtful, sweet, and somewhat delicate in spite of all she has been put through at a young age. She is a skilled healer, and in Mockingjay is singled out by District 13 to be trained as a doctor. During Catching Fire and Mockingjay, Katniss sees a change in her personality, as she has become more solemn and mature. Katniss once said that Prim is "the only person I'm certain I love and would do anything to protect her."

In Mockingjay, Prim is sent into the battle for The Capitol to serve as a medic by President Coin. During this battle, Prim is killed in a bombing, causing Katniss to go into a deep depression.

Publishers Weekly was pleased with the fact that Prim's character expanded in Mockingjay and readers were able to know her better.[6]

She will be portrayed in the upcoming The Hunger Games film by actress Willow Shields.

President Coriolanus Snow

Coriolanus Snow
The Hunger Games trilogy character
First appearance The Hunger Games
Last appearance Mockingjay
Created by Suzanne Collins
Portrayed by Donald Sutherland
Aliases "President Snow"
Gender Male
Family Unnamed granddaughter

The main antagonist of the series, President Snow is the autocratic ruler of the Capitol and all of Panem. Though seemingly laid-back, this hides a sadistic and psychopathic mind.[7] He initially appears in The Hunger Games when he crowns Katniss and Peeta as victors, but he doesn't speak to Katniss face-to-face until Catching Fire, when he pays her a visit at home and tells her that he is angry that both she and Peeta were allowed to survive the Hunger Games, as their act of defiance (preferring joint suicide to the prospect of one killing the other) has ignited rebellion in several of the Districts. She is too prominent to kill, but he threatens her family and Gale unless she proves to the Districts that her act of saving Peeta was merely that of a love-crazed teenager and was not related to any desire to defy the Capitol.[8] Later, Snow indicates to her that she failed in this, meaning that some or all of his threats will come true. President Snow is described as having very puffy lips, which are most likely the result of an appearance-altering operation that is very popular in the Capitol. Katniss describes him as exuding a smell of blood and roses.[9] In Mockingjay, it is revealed that the smell of blood is due to mouth sores he got from one of the poisons that he used to kill people in his monomaniacal efforts to control Panem. He drank the poison in order to allay suspicions, then took the antidote, but they could not cure him of the sores. He also smells strongly of genetically enhanced roses. He always wears a white rose in his lapel to cover the scent of blood. The strong smell invariably makes Katniss gag. He is said to have prostituted winning tributes, forcing them to have sex with wealthy Capitol denizens, under threat of killing their loved ones if they refuse. Snow claims he only kills for a purpose and he promises Katniss he will always tell her the truth. Whether these assertions are true or not is left up to interpretation by Katniss. He dies at the end of Mockingjay, but it is uncertain whether he choked to death on his own blood from his untreated mouth sores, or whether he was trampled by a crowd of people.

He will be portrayed in the upcoming The Hunger Games film by actor Donald Sutherland.

Major Tributes

This is a list of the major tributes that affected the plot or characters from either the 74th Hunger Games and the 75th Hunger Games, also known as the third Quarter Quell.

District 1

In the 74th Hunger Games

In the 75th Hunger Games

District 2

In the 74th Hunger Games

In the 75th Hunger Games

District 3

In the 74th Hunger Games

In the 75th Hunger Games

District 4

In the 74th Hunger Games

In the 75th Hunger Games

District 5

In the 74th Hunger Games

In the upcoming film, Jacqueline Emerson will portray Foxface.

In the 75th Hunger Games

District 6

In the 74th Hunger Games

In the 75th Hunger Games

District 7

In the 74th Hunger Games

In the 75th Hunger Games

District 8

In the 74th Hunger Games

In the 75th Hunger Games

District 9

In the 74th Hunger Games

In the 75th Hunger Games

District 10

In the 74th Hunger Games

In the 75th Hunger Games

District 11

In the 74th Hunger Games

In the 75th Hunger Games

Other characters

In District 12

In the Capitol

In District 13



  1. ^ "Who Will You Support?". Scholastic. Retrieved 3 July 2010. 
  2. ^ Margolis, Rick (September 1, 2010). "A Killer Story: An Interview with Suzanne Collins, Author of "The Hunger Games"". School Library Journal. Retrieved 30 June 2010. 
  3. ^ Collins, Suzanne (2008). The Hunger Games. Scholastic. ISBN 0439023483.. 
  4. ^ "Character Profile: Haymitch Abernathy". Retrieved 29 September 2010. 
  5. ^ Carpenter, Susan (23 August 2010). ""Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins: Book Review". Los Angeles Times.,0,4302544.story. Retrieved 30 August 2010. 
  6. ^ a b "Children's Review: Mockingjay". Publishers Weekly. Retrieved 21 December 2010. 
  7. ^ Znipp, Yvonne (26 August 2010). "Mockingjay —". The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 25 October 2010. 
  8. ^ Dill, Margo (20 July 2010). "Catching Fire discussion questions (Chapters One through Five)". Retrieved 31 August 2010. 
  9. ^ Marglios, Rick (1 August 2010). "The Last Battle: With 'Mockingjay' on its way, Suzanne Collins weighs in on Katniss and the Capitol". School Library Journal. Retrieved 25 October 2010. 
  10. ^ a b Valby, Karen (19 April 2011). "'Hunger Games' casts its Glimmer and Marvel". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 24 April 2011. 
  11. ^ Wilkinson, Amy (26 April 2011). "District 3 Reaps Its Tributes: 'Hunger Games' Casts Ian Nelson And Kalia Prescott". MTV. Retrieved 4 May 2011. 
  12. ^ Semigran, Aly (28 April 2011). "'The Hunger Games': District 4 tributes cast". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 4 May 2011. 
  13. ^ a b Ward, Kate (29 April 2011). "'Hunger Games' finds its Foxface". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 4 May 2011. 
  14. ^ a b Semigran, Aly (18 April 2011). "'Hunger Games' casts unknowns Amandla Stenberg and Dayo Okeniyi: Why this is a smart strategy". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 24 April 2011. 
  15. ^ John A. Sellers (2009-03-12). "Hungry? The Latest on 'The Hunger Games'". Publishers Weekly. Retrieved 2010-09-01. 
  16. ^ Staskiewicz, Keith (28 April 2011). "'The Hunger Games': Elizabeth Banks officially cast as Effie". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 4 May 2011. 
  17. ^ Franich, Darren (6 October 2010). "'The Hunger Games': How reality TV explains the YA sensation". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 6 October 2010.